Article I: Name and purpose
Section 1.
The name of this organization shall be: Chemical Engineering and Materials Science Graduate Student Association.
Section 2.
The purpose of this organization shall be to: provide CHEMS graduate students with opportunities for fellowship, professional development, and community outreach.
Article II: Membership
Section 1.
All MSU students are eligible for membership in the ChEMS GSA. Only MSU students may be officers and/or voting members. No student will be denied membership on the basis of age, color, gender, gender identity, disability status, height, marital status, national origin, political persuasion, race, religion, sexual orientation, veteran status, or weight.
Section 2.
Any student enrolled as a graduate student in good standing of the Chemical Engineering and Materials Science Department at MSU is automatically a member in good standing of this organization. Other students may request to join the organization by contacting one of the Executive Committee members.
Article III: Officers
Section 1.
The officer positions are: President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, and Webmaster. Each term begins at the annual election meeting and ends at the following election meeting or upon graduation, whichever comes first. Annual election meetings will be held at the end of the spring semester and before May 1st of each year.
Section 2.
Officers will be nominated at the first spring event and voted on at a subsequent election meeting. Members in good standing may make nominations beginning at the initial spring event held prior to the election meeting and until the time of the elections. All members in good standing are eligible for nomination. Nominations may be made by contacting the current Executive Committee or in person at the election meeting. Presence at the election meeting is required to vote or stand for election. No one person may hold the same office for more than two years total. The candidate with the most votes for each position is elected. Elections will be held in the order of: President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, and Webmaster. Unelected candidates may be nominated for subsequent positions. The vote will be conducted by secret ballot.
Section 3.
The President shall have the following duties: call meetings to order and plan the agenda for Executive Committee and general membership meetings.
The Vice President shall have the following duties: fill in for president if unable to attend, plan the food and refreshments for meetings, and serve as the chair of the Events Committee.
The Treasurer shall have the following duties: prepare financial proposals, submit forms for reimbursement, and serve as the chair of the Seminar Committee.
The Secretary shall have the following duties: take minutes at meetings, contact members, faculty, and staff about events and meetings, and maintain the organization’s website.
The Webmaster shall have the following duties: maintain and update the organization’s website at least once per month, maintain and update the organization’s Facebook page at least once per month, and facilitate creation of all web-based material for the organization.
Section 4.
An officer failing to maintain membership in good standing shall be automatically removed from office. An officer may be removed from office for failing to fulfill his/her duties as determined by the membership. A 2/3rds super-majority vote of members present at a general membership meeting is necessary to remove an officer from his/her position. In any case, in which an officer is removed, a special election shall be held to fill the vacant position according to the procedures in Article III, Section 2. Officer election and removal can only occur at general membership meetings that meet quorum.
Article IV: Operating Procedures
Section 1.
There will be an annual election meeting in the spring semester. Executive meetings are held as necessary to plan and schedule events. At least one general membership meeting will be held per semester, on the MSU campus. The time and location of general membership meetings must be announced at least 7 days in advance, accompanied by an agenda. A quorum is defined as 10 members at general membership meetings.
Section 2.
The agenda shall be set by the President who will chair the meetings. A simple majority vote shall rule on financial and event planning at open Executive Committee meetings. The time and location of Executive Committee meetings must be announced to the general membership at least 24 hours in advance.
Section 3.
The Executive Committee shall consist of all Executive officers, and shall perform the following duties: submit proposals, coordinate event planning, and schedule meetings and elections. The Event Committee shall consist of voluntary members and will perform the following duties: propose events and, upon approval at the Executive Committee meeting, organize events. The Seminar Committee shall consist of voluntary members and will perform the following duties: propose speakers, and upon approval at the Executive Committee meeting, coordinate speaker visits.
Article V: Amendments
Section 1.
Amendments to the constitution may be proposed by any member of the ChEMS GSA, or MSU faculty or staff.
Section 2.
Proposed amendments must be submitted in writing to the Executive Committee at least two weeks before a general membership meeting. The text of the proposed amendment must be included with the general membership meeting announcement.
Section 3.
Amendments must be approved by 2/3rds majority vote at a general membership meeting to be implemented.